Nanomaterials have been widely used in the past few decades due to their\nproven capacity to enhance the mechanical properties of materials. While\nmany studies have sought to improve the understanding of how nanomaterials\naffect the behavior of concrete, additional research is needed in order to\nachieve the full potential of the material, especially in the presence of supplementary\ncementitious materials. This study aims to investigate the mechanical\nproperties of cement mortars incorporating both nano-silica (NS) and class F\nfly ash (FA). Furthermore, mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) was performed\nto study its effect on pore characteristics, and thermogravimetric\nanalysis (TGA) was performed to measure the calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2\ncontent in the mixtures. It was found that using nano-silica enhances the\ncompressive strength, reduces the total porosity and accelerates the pozzolanic\nreaction.